ENCBS139BXF / cell line
- Status
- released
- Term name
- A549
- Term ID
- EFO:0001086
- Summary
- Homo sapiens A549 cell line
- Description
- epithelial cell line derived from a 58 year old caucasian male lung carcinoma.
- Product ID
- CCL-185
- Lot ID
- 58483235
ENCODE2 project
- Lab
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Award PI
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Submitted by
- Kathrina Onate
- Source
- Project
- External resources
- References
- Submitter comment
- Despite identical culture harvest dates with the biosample associated with the other biological replicate, we think these biosamples should be considered as biological replicates but we are unable to definitively confirm using our own records.
Donor information
- Status
- released
- Accession
- Aliases
- encode:donor of A549, bradley-bernstein:Donor of A549 cells, john-stamatoyannopoulos:ATCC_A549
- Species
- Homo sapiens
- Life stage
- adult
- Age
- 58 years
- Sex
- male
- Ethnicity
- European
- External resources
- References