In Vitro Cultivation of Human Tumors: Establishment of Cell Lines Derived From a Series of Solid Tumors
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 1973 November;51(5):1417-23.
- Abstract
- SUMMARY-A series of 200 human tumors were cultivated in vitro in an attempt to establish cell lines. Lines were established with explant and trypsinization techniques, fr~m 13 tumors including ~arcinomas, sarcomas, melanomas, and brain tumors. All these lines in culture for over 1 year, exhibited marked refractility, multilayering, and criss-crossing and were morphologically distinct from normal contact-inhibited human fibroblast or epithelial lines. They also formed colonies on IT!0nolay.e~s of n.ormal cells and grew with a high efficiency In soft agar. Preliminary results !ndica~ed abnormal chromosomal patterns In all lines tested, and 8 of 9 cell lines formed tumors in antithymocyte serum-treated mice. The rate of establishment (approximately 6%) of lines from random neoplastic material demonstrated that cells with properties of transformed cells could be recovered from tum.or tissue, but it also emphasized the need for Improved methodology in this area.
- References