Java Treeview--extensible visualization of microarray data.

Saldanha AJ.
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2004 Nov 22;20(17):3246-8.
Open source software encourages innovation by allowing users to extend the functionality of existing applications. Treeview is a popular application for the visualization of microarray data, but is closed-source and platform-specific, which limits both its current utility and suitability as a platform for further development. Java Treeview is an open-source, cross-platform rewrite that handles very large datasets well, and supports extensions to the file format that allow the results of additional analysis to be visualized and compared. The combination of a general file format and open source makes Java Treeview an attractive choice for solving a class of visualization problems. An applet version is also available that can be used on any website with no special server-side setup.