Antibody against Homo sapiens CTCF, Mus musculus CTCF
Homo sapiens
ascending aorta, spleen, tibial artery, coronary artery, thoracic aorta, suprapubic skin, prostate gland, sigmoid colon, right atrium auricular region, esophagus squamous epithelium, gastroesophageal sphincter, tibial nerve, Peyer's patch, transverse colon, thyroid gland, vagina, gastrocnemius medialis, heart left ventricle, testis, upper lobe of left lung, esophagus muscularis mucosa, uterus, stomach, lower lobe of left lung, chondrocyte, nephron, pancreas, endothelial cell, endodermal cell, brain, neural crest cell, progenitor cell of endocrine pancreas, heart right ventricle, type B pancreatic cell, astrocyte, nephron progenitor cell, GM23338, HFFc6, osteocyte, left lung, excitatory neuron, mesothelial cell of epicardium, H9, middle frontal area 46, left ventricle myocardium inferior, adrenal gland, colonic mucosa, neural progenitor cell, mucosa of descending colon, ovary, lung, liver, psoas muscle, B cell, T-cell, natural killer cell, WTC11, Caco-2, Calu3, MCF 10A, placenta, monocyte, CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell, CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell, CD14-positive monocyte, activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell, activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell, activated B cell, right lobe of liver, upper lobe of right lung, lower lobe of right lung, HCT116, HeLa-S3
characterized to standards with exemption
Mus musculus
left cerebral cortex, gastrocnemius, layer of hippocampus, heart
characterized to standards with exemption
- Status
- released
- Source (vendor)
- Diagenode
- Product ID
- C15410210
- Lot ID
- A2359-00234P
- Characterized targets
- CTCF (Homo sapiens), CTCF (Mus musculus)
- Host
- rabbit
- Clonality
- polyclonal
- Aliases
- bradley-bernstein:PchAb 1378
- External resources
CTCF (Homo sapiens)
ascending aortaspleentibial arterycoronary arterythoracic aortasuprapubic skinprostate glandsigmoid colonright atrium auricular regionesophagus squamous epitheliumgastroesophageal sphinctertibial nervePeyer's patchtransverse colonthyroid glandvaginagastrocnemius medialisheart left ventricletestisupper lobe of left lungesophagus muscularis mucosauterusstomachlower lobe of left lungchondrocytenephronpancreasendothelial cellendodermal cellbrainneural crest cellprogenitor cell of endocrine pancreasheart right ventricletype B pancreatic cellastrocytenephron progenitor cellGM23338HFFc6osteocyteleft lungexcitatory neuronmesothelial cell of epicardiumH9middle frontal area 46left ventricle myocardium inferioradrenal glandcolonic mucosaneural progenitor cellmucosa of descending colonovarylungliverpsoas muscleB cellT-cellnatural killer cellWTC11Caco-2Calu3MCF 10AplacentamonocyteCD4-positive, alpha-beta T cellCD8-positive, alpha-beta T cellCD14-positive monocyteactivated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cellactivated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cellactivated B cellright lobe of liverupper lobe of right lunglower lobe of right lungHCT116
exempt from standards
- Submitter comment
- Approved by Eric Mendenhall
- Reviewer comment
- Approved by Eric Mendenhall
- Submitted by
- Nina Farrell
- Lab
- Bradley Bernstein, Broad
- Grant
- UM1HG009390
- Download
- AB_Exemption.png
CTCF (Mus musculus)
left cerebral cortexgastrocnemiuslayer of hippocampusheart
exempt from standards
- Submitter comment
- approved by Eric Mendenhall 06.28.2022
- Reviewer comment
- approved by Eric Mendenhall 06.28.2022
- Submitted by
- Khine Lin
- Lab
- Bradley Bernstein, Broad
- Grant
- UM1HG009390
- Download
- AB_Exemption.png
CTCF (Mus musculus)
Method: ChIP-seq comparison
exempt from standards
- Submitter comment
- approved by Erin Mendenhall 06.28.2022
- Reviewer comment
- approved by Erin Mendenhall 06.28.2022
- Submitted by
- Khine Lin
- Lab
- Bradley Bernstein, Broad
- Grant
- UM1HG009390
CTCF (Homo sapiens)
Method: ChIP-seq comparison
exempt from standards
- Submitter comment
- Approved by Eric Mendenhall (AB Review Panel)
- Reviewer comment
- Approved by Eric Mendenhall.
- Submitted by
- Khine Lin
- Lab
- Bradley Bernstein, Broad
- Grant
- UM1HG009390
CTCF (Homo sapiens)
- Caption
- 0.7 ug unmodified recombinant histone H3 (Millipore 14-494) and nuclear extract from 20 ug HeLa cells were resolved by electrophoresis on a 4-12% acrylamide gel. After separation, the samples were transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane with an Invitrogen iBlot system using program 3. Membrane was blocked for an hou rat room temperature, with 5% BSA in TBS-Tween, and blotted with primary antibody using the dilution stated in the figure, over night at 4C. Membrane was washed and blotted with secondary HRP-conjugated antibody. Detection was made with Optiblot ECL Detect Kit (ab133406) and a ChemiDoc camera (BioRad). Panel A: anti Histone H3 (Abcam ab1791), band of expected size (~17kDa) visualized in unmodified recombinant histone H3, demonstrating the integrity and migration of the recombinant protein. Panel B: Band of expected size (~130kDa) visualized in Nuclear lysates, and cannot be detected in unmodified recombinant Histone H3. Antibody seems to be specific since there is minimal reactivity with nonhistone proteins, and no reactivity with unmodified recombinant histone (loaded in Lane 2 of panel B)
- Submitted by
- Nina Farrell
- Lab
- Bradley Bernstein, Broad
- Grant
- UM1HG009390