Antibody against Homo sapiens PKNOX1
Homo sapiens
MCF-7, K562, GM12878, HepG2, HEK293T
characterized to standards
- Status
- released
- Source (vendor)
- GeneTex
- Product ID
- GTX114991
- Lot ID
- 40870
- Characterized targets
- PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
- Host
- rabbit
- Clonality
- polyclonal
- Antigen description
- Recombinant fgmt within amino acids 201 and 436 of PKNOX1 (Uniprot ID#P55347)
- External resources
PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
- Caption
- Immunoprecipitation was performed on nuclear extracts from the cell line: MCF-7, using the antibody GTX114991. The blot shows western blot analysis of input, flowthrough, immunoprecipitate and mock immunoprecipitate using IgG.Molecular Weight: 47.607
- Submitted by
- Nathaniel Watson
- Lab
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Grant
- U54HG006996
- Download
- 1109_05_PKNOX1_GTX114991.jpg
PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
- Caption
- Immunoprecipitation was performed on nuclear extracts from the cell line: HepG2, using the antibody GTX114991. The blot shows western blot analysis of input, flowthrough, immunoprecipitate and mock immunoprecipitate using IgG.Molecular Weight: 47.607
- Submitted by
- Nathaniel Watson
- Lab
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Grant
- U54HG006996
- Download
- 1109_06_PKNOX1_GTX114991.jpg
PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
- Caption
- Immunoprecipitation was performed on nuclear extracts from the cell line: HEK293T, using the antibody GTX114991. The blot shows western blot analysis of input, flowthrough, immunoprecipitate and mock immunoprecipitate using IgG.Molecular Weight: 47.607
- Submitted by
- Nathaniel Watson
- Lab
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Grant
- U54HG006996
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- 1112_06_PKNOX1_GTX114991.jpg
PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
not compliant
- Caption
- Immunoprecipitation was performed on nuclear extracts from the cell line: K562, using the antibody GTX114991. The blot shows western blot analysis of input, flowthrough, immunoprecipitate and mock immunoprecipitate using IgG.
- Reviewer comment
- Indicated band not at least 50% of signal in the IP lane.
- Submitted by
- Denis Salins
- Lab
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Grant
- U54HG006996
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- Expt1044_0001.jpg
PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
- Caption
- Immunoprecipitation was performed on nuclear extracts from the cell line: GM12878, using the antibody GTX114991. The blot shows western blot analysis of input, flowthrough, immunoprecipitate and mock immunoprecipitate using IgG.Molecular Weight: 47.607
- Submitted by
- Nathaniel Watson
- Lab
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Grant
- U54HG006996
- Download
- expt1110_4-PKNOX1-GTX114991.jpg
PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
- Caption
- Immunoprecipitation was performed on nuclear extracts from the cell line K562 using the antibody GTX114991. Lane 1: input nuclear lysate. Lane 2: material immunoprecipitated with antibody. Lane 3: material immunoprecipitated using control IgG. Marked bands were excised from gel and subjected to analysis by mass spectrometry. Target molecular weight: 47.607.
- Reviewer comment
- Multiple bands but marked band is >50% of total signal in lane.
- Submitted by
- Nathaniel Watson
- Lab
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Grant
- U54HG006996
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PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
Method: immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry
- Caption
- IP followed by mass spectrometry. Briefly, protein was immunoprecipitated from K562 nuclear cell lysates using the antibody GTX114991, and the IP fraction was loaded on a 10% polyacrylamide gel (NuPAGEBis-Tris Gel) and separated with an Invitrogen NuPAGE electrophoresis system. The gel was stained by ColloidialCoomassie G-250 stain, gel fragments corresponding to the bands indicated were excised. Then proteins were trypsinized using the in-gel digestion method. Digested proteins were analyzed on an Orbitrap Elite mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) by the nanoLC-ESI-MS/MS technique. Peptides were identified by the SEQUEST algorithm and filtered with a high confidence threshold (Peptide false discovery rate < 1%, 2 unique peptides per protein minimum, mass error < 10 ppm).
- Submitter comment
- AKAP1 is mitochondrial protein, RNA binding protein. DSG1 is calcium ion binding and toxic substance binding. SERPINB12 is located in cytoplasma, enzyme binding protein.
- Submitted by
- Nathaniel Watson
- Lab
- Michael Snyder, Stanford
- Grant
- U54HG006996
- Download
- PKNOX1_GTX114991 final.pdf
PKNOX1 (Homo sapiens)
not compliant
- Caption
- An immunoprecipitation followed by Western blot was performed with Genetex GTX114991 (lot 40870) antibody against PKNOX1 in MCF7 whole cell lysate. The expected size of PKNOX1 is 48 kDa. Bands of ~34, 48, and 60 kDa were detected in the test IP and not in the control IP. The experiment was repeated and the bands were analyzed by mass spec in the secondary validation.
- Submitter comment
- non specific bands and no igg control
- Submitted by
- Flo Pauli-Behn
- Lab
- Richard Myers, HAIB
- Grant
- U54HG006998