Large-scale production and concentration of human lymphoid interferon

Klein F, Ricketts RT, Jones WI, DeArmon IA, Temple MJ, Zoon KC, Bridgen PJ.
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 1979 March;15(3):420-427.
A stable and predictable production system is described for pilot plant quantities (milligram) of human lymphoid interferon, using suspension culture of an African Burkitt's lymphoma derived cell line Namalva with induction by Newcastle disease virus, B-1 strain. Cell cultures were grown in impeller-driven 50- liter fermentors with dilution of the postinduction culture using serum-free medium. High levels of dissolved oxygen were necessary for optimum cell growth. A total of 4,207 liters of interferon culture was produced in a series of 116 fernentor runs. An average yield of 3.5 logjo international units of interferon per ml was realized before processing. Trichloroacetic acid was used to precipitate the interferon. An average of 3.35 logio international units of interferon per ml was recovered in the final nonpurified product.