Experiment summary for ENCSR359LOD
- Status
- released
- Assay
- ChIP-seq (TF ChIP-seq)
- Target
- Biosample summary
- Homo sapiens PC-3
- Biosample Type
- cell line
- Replication type
- isogenic
- Nucleic acid type
- Library starting quantity
- 5.542ng [1-1]20.638ng [2-1]
- Size range
- 300-600
- Fragmentation methods
- sonication (generic) [1-1]none [2-1]
- Platform
- Illumina HiSeq 2500
- Controls
ENCODE3 project
- Lab
- Bradley Bernstein, Broad
- Award
- U54HG006991 (Bradley Bernstein, Broad)
- Project
- External resources
- References
- Aliases
- bradley-bernstein:Project Element 942
- Date submitted
- October 24, 2014
- Date released
- October 19, 2017
- Reference Epigenome
- Annotation (gkmsvm-model)
- Annotation (physical modeling)
- Annotation (BPNet-model)
- Submitter comment
- This experiment is being used in the ENCODE-DREAM Transcription Factor Binding Site Prediction Challenge (https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn6131484/wiki/400026). The files will be unavailable until after the challenge completes on 09-30-16. UPDATE: There will be a second round to the challenge that is expected to end on 01-11-2017
- Registry of cCREs
- Factorbook
Encyclopedia Integration
Isogenic replicates
Isogenic replicate | Technical replicate | Summary | Biosample | Antibody | Library |
1 | 1 | Homo sapiens PC-3 cell line | ENCBS451OVM | ENCAB000AXX | ENCLB622RIN |
2 | 1 | Homo sapiens PC-3 cell line | ENCBS596CTT | ENCAB000AXX | ENCLB324KFH |