ENCBS423ENC / cell line
- Status
- released
- Term name
- A549
- Term ID
- EFO:0001086
- Summary
- Homo sapiens A549 cell line treated with 0.02% ethanol for 1 hour
- Description
- epithelial cell line derived from a 58 year old caucasian male lung carcinoma. Treated with 0.02% ethanol (CHEBI:16236) for 1 hour
- Product ID
- CCL-185
- Lot ID
- 58483235
ENCODE2 project
- Lab
- Richard Myers, HAIB
- Award PI
- Richard Myers, HAIB
- Submitted by
- Flo Pauli-Behn
- Source
- Project
- External resources
- References
Treatment details
- Treatment
- 0.02 percent ethanol (CHEBI:16236) for 1 hour
- Type
- chemical
Donor information
- Status
- released
- Accession
- Aliases
- encode:donor of A549, bradley-bernstein:Donor of A549 cells, john-stamatoyannopoulos:ATCC_A549
- Species
- Homo sapiens
- Life stage
- adult
- Age
- 58 years
- Sex
- male
- Ethnicity
- European
- External resources
- References
treatment protocol
- Submitted by
- John Stamatoyannopoulos
- Lab
- John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW
- Grant
- U54HG004592