ENCBS369AAA / in vitro differentiated cells
- Status
- released
- Term name
- bipolar neuron
- Term ID
- CL:0000103
- Summary
- Homo sapiens male adult (53 years) bipolar neuron in vitro differentiated cells originated from GM23338 treated with 0.5 μg/mL doxycycline hyclate for 4 days
- Description
- These are bipolar neurons created from iPSC from the PGP1 donor from the Personal Genome Project (PGP) overexpressing Neurogenin‐1 and ‐2 transcripton factors
- Originated from biosample
ENCODE3 project
- Lab
- Thomas Gingeras, CSHL
- Award PI
- Thomas Gingeras, CSHL
- Submitted by
- Carrie Davis
- Source
- Project
- External resources
- Aliases
- john-stamatoyannopoulos:26980A, thomas-gingeras:224WC, bradley-bernstein:BioSam 2450
Treatment details
- Treatment
- 0.5 μg/mL doxycycline hyclate (CHEBI:34730) for 4 days
- Type
- chemical
Donor information
- Status
- released
- Accession
- Aliases
- bradley-bernstein:Donor hu43860C, encode:donor of hu43860C
- Donor external identifiers
- Species
- Homo sapiens
- Life stage
- adult
- Age
- 53 years
- Sex
- male
- Ethnicity
- European
- External resources