ENCBS316CKF / cell line
Alternate accession: ENCBS922BOY
- Status
- released
- Term name
- K562
- Term ID
- EFO:0002067
- Summary
- Homo sapiens K562 cell line
- Description
- K562, myelogenous leukemia
- Product ID
- CCL-243
- Culture start date
- 2013-02-25
- Culture harvest date
- 2013-03-11
- Passage number
- 6
ENCODE3 project
- Lab
- Richard Myers, HAIB
- Award PI
- Richard Myers, HAIB
- Submitted by
- Flo Pauli-Behn
- Source
- Project
- External resources
- Aliases
- richard-myers:K562-014, richard-myers:control-is-SL57458, richard-myers:control-is-SL41843, richard-myers:control-is-SL68155
- Submitter comment
- Myers lab K562 growth 14 was used in three control libraries SL41843 (fragmentation date 11-15-13), SL57458 (fragmentation date 02-26-14), and SL68155 (fragmentation date 06/19/14)
Donor information
- Status
- released
- Accession
- Aliases
- encode:donor of K562, bradley-bernstein:Donor of K562 cells
- Species
- Homo sapiens
- Life stage
- adult
- Age
- 53 years
- Sex
- female
- Health status
- chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
- External resources
- References