ENCBS112TMK / cell line
- Status
- released
- Term name
- AG09309
- Term ID
- CLO:0021752
- Summary
- Homo sapiens AG09309 cell line
- Description
- adult toe fibroblast from apparently healthy 21 year old, 7% of the cells examined showing random chromosome loss/gain -Coriell
- Product ID
- AG09309
ENCODE2 project
- Lab
- John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW
- Award PI
- John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW
- Submitted by
- Aditi Narayanan
- Source
- Coriell
- Project
- External resources
- Aliases
- john-stamatoyannopoulos:15845
Donor information
- Status
- released
- Accession
- Species
- Homo sapiens
- Life stage
- adult
- Age
- 21 years
- Sex
- female
- Health status
- apparently healthy
- Ethnicity
- European