Antibody against Homo sapiens GATA1, Mus musculus GATA1

Homo sapiens
at least one cell type or tissue
awaiting characterization
Mus musculus
at least one cell type or tissue
awaiting characterization
Source (vendor)
Santa Cruz Biotech
Product ID
Lot ID
Antigen description
Raised against bacterially expressed murine GATA-1.


GATA1 (Homo sapiens)
Method: motif enrichment
not reviewed
Calculations were done by Alan Boyle using a collection of known motifs. Table 1 shows the fold-enrichments and fraction of peaks which contain the motif. The motif which produced the largest value for each criterion is shown in Table 1. Note that while the maximally enriched motifs may differ from the motif with the highest enrichment p-values and the most represented motif, the motifs are highly similar (Figure 1) and thus all values are similar between motifs. Motifs were identified using a matching stringency corresponding to 4-6 (6mer). Peaks identified by IDR (1% cutoff) were used in the analysis and +/-50bp from peak centers were considered. Enrichments are for a given motif vs. a background consisting of +/- 50bp from the centers of all DnaseI hypersensitive peaks. Repeat mask/simple repeats from UCSC and all gencode v7 exons (including non-protein coding genes) were excluded from the analysis. Comparison to shuffle motifs were used to correct for compositional bias. Enrichment is the corrected # of motifs in ChIP peaks/corrected # of motifs in DNaseI peaks. The current ENCODE standard calls for >4-fold enrichment and >10% motif representation for this criteria to be used for validation. The K562 c-Fos dataset presented here exceed these thresholds and sc-266 is considered validated.
Submitted by
Michael Snyder
Michael Snyder, Stanford
GATA1 (Homo sapiens)
Method: immunoprecipitation
not reviewed
Immunoprecipitation of K562 nulcear extract with sc-266 antibody efficiently enriches a protein of molecular weight of GATA1 (46KD).
Submitted by
Michael Snyder
Michael Snyder, Stanford
GATA1 (Mus musculus)
Method: immunoprecipitation
not reviewed
Immunoprecipitation of MEL nulcear extracts using anti-GATA1 antibody (sc-266) specifically and efficiently enriched a band of the expected molecular weight of GATA1 (~43 kD).
Submitted by
Michael Snyder
Michael Snyder, Stanford