Create custom track hubs from a search result

November 19, 2014

Data from a search results of assays can now be visualized at the UCSC Genome Browser.

Once a list of assays has been filtered to under 500 experiments based on assay type, a biosample type, or any arbitrary set of searches or filters, the "Visualize" button will be active. When clicked, the button will activate the assembly of all the experiment signal files (in bigWig format) and peak files (in bigBed format) available from the search result into a track hub for display at the UCSC Genome Browser. Once at the UCSC Genome Browser, the display parameters can be adjusted for the entire track hub or each individual track.

The ability to generate a track hub based on a search result allows custom subsets of experiments to be visualized. These subsets of experiments may not be the default view at the UCSC Genome Browser or any other browser that supports track hubs. For example, one search result might include all ChIP-seq assays that use mouse stem cells while another search result might include all RNA-seq, RAMPAGE, and CAGE assays for a search of K562. Like all track hubs, the track hub from a search will remain in your session until it is disconnected.